Accepted versions of my research are legally self-archived here. For final published versions, see the publishing journal's website.
Using case-based learning to teach evidence-based practice: A pilot study
This paper describes the results of a pilot SoTL inquiry investigating the use of case-based learning to teach graduate SLP students to implement the principles of evidence-based practice in a clinical scenario. This paper represents work that was completed as part of the SoTL Fellows program of TLCSD.
Brock, A. S. (2024). Using case-based learning to teach evidence-based practice: A pilot study, The Clinical Teacher, 1–10.
Coaching Caregivers of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Caregiver response types and children language outcomes inpreschoolers with and without hearing loss in Aotearoa New Zealand
This paper describes the results of a study which utilized LENA technology to collect full-day, in-home language samples to compare caregiver language input to children with and without hearing loss.
Sultana, N., Brock, A. S., & Purdy, S. C. (2024). Caregiver response types and children language outcomes in preschoolers with and without hearing loss in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 1–22.
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Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students' Experiences with the Use of Case-Based Learning to Develop Skills for Evidence-Based Practice
This paper describes the results of a SoTL inquiry investigating the use of case-based learning to teach graduate SLP students to implement the principles of evidence-based practice in a clinical scenario. This paper represents work that was completed as part of the SoTL Fellows program of TLCSD.
Brock, A. S. (2024). Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students’ Experiences with the Use of Case-Based Learning to Develop Skills for Evidence-Based Practice. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders, 8(2). DOI:
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Qualitative Inquiry: The Case for the Importance of Considering Student Perspectives in SoTL Research
This paper describes the author's journey into SoTL research and discusses the merits of using qualitative methodology to answer questions of why and how in SoTL inquiry. This paper represents work that was completed as part of the SoTL Fellows program of TLCSD.
Brock, A. S. (2024). Qualitative Inquiry: The Case for the Importance of Considering Student Perspectives in SoTL Research. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders, 8(2). DOI:
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Implementing Caregiver Coaching in Early Intervention with Families of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
This paper provides guidance for early intervention practitioners on best practices in early intervention for family support and coaching with children who are DHH.
Brock, A.S. (2023). Implementing caregiver coaching in early intervention with families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. TEACHING Exceptional Children.
The Linguistic Input of Fathers of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
This paper describes the results of an analysis of the linguistic input of four fathers to their young children who are DHH. The study collected full-day audio samples using LENA, and researchers coded the facilitative language techniques (FLTs) used by the fathers.
Brock, A.S. & Hampton, C.E. (2023). The linguistic input of fathers of children who are deaf or hard of hearing, Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 8(4), 683-692.
The Signed Linguistic Input of Hearing Mothers to Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
This study examined the distribution of facilitative language techniques (FLTs) used in both the spoken and signed input of four hearing mothers to their children who are DHH.
Brock, A.S. (2023). The signed linguistic input of hearing mothers to children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, 8(1), 46-55.
This paper is available via open access from the publisher! Click the doi link above to download it.
This study investigated the impact of a coaching intervention on caregivers' use of selected facilitative language techniques (FLTs) in their linguistic input to their children who are DHH. The study utilized LENA technology to examine carryover of strategies learned in intervention to the natural environment.
Brock, A.S. and Bass-Ringdahl, S. (2022). Coaching caregivers of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 28, 146-161.
Facilitative Language Techniques Used in the Home by Caregivers of Children who are Deaf of Hard of Hearing
This paper describes the distribution of ten facilitative language techniques (FLTs) used by caregivers of children who are DHH in their home environment. Full day audio data was obtained using LENA.
Brock, A.S. & Bass-Ringdahl, S. (2021). Facilitative language techniques used in the home by caregivers of young children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 6, 1137-1145.